Saturday, May 16, 2020

Effects Of Infant Attachment On Child Development

Effects of Infant Attachment on Child Development Parents play many significant roles in their child’s life, including teacher or guidance, playmate, disciplinarian, caregiver, and attachment figure (Benoit, 2004). However, the most important role for parents is as an attachment figure, which can predict the child’s later social and emotional outcome. The first six months, therefore, is the most crucial period for parents and infants to develop this connection. Many people often have mistaken attachment with bonding. Bonding is referring to physical contact, and in this case depended on skin-to-skin contact child during early infant years. This concept of bonding is not the same with the attachment theory, however, providing physical contact when an infant cry until they are calm may help with forming a secure base for a child. According to Diane Benoit, the attachment is where the child uses its caregiver as a secure base from which to explore and, when necessary, as a haven of safety and a source of comfort (Benoit, 2004). John Bowlby’s theory of human attachment has been widely used for studies the stages of human development. It was first introduced in the 1950’s and considered to be one of the most popular theories relating to parenting. John Bowlby, the â€Å"father† of attachment theory, explained it as â€Å"a reciprocal behavioral process initiated by the neonate to ensure survival,† which is the primary need of a child from its’ mother (Brandon, 2009). Bowlby’s believed thatShow MoreRelatedAttachment Theory on Socio-Emtionals Development of Children1435 Words   |  6 PagesAttachment Theory: One of the most studied topics in today’s psychology is the attachment theory whose common references are from attachment models by Bowlby and Ainsworth. 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